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Natural Awakenings Naples and Fort Myers

Environmentally Speaking

Environmentally speaking is intended to alert, inform and educate residents of Collier and Lee counties about educational events and threats that challenge our unique and delicate Southwest Florida ecosystem.

Write legislators about SB 1522/HB 1225

A major blue-green algae bloom threatening public health, property values and local economies has formed on Lake Okeechobee and other areas. Calusa Waterkeeper advises that the current bill language of Governor DeSantis’ Blue-Green Algae Task Force Recommendations Act-SB 1522/HB 1225 is missing task force key recommendations, making it imperative for SWFL citizens to call or write legislators ASAP. Ask legislators to include a provision supporting verification of agricultural best management practices (BMP) and to recommend that FDEP adopt EPA guidelines for blue-green algae toxins as Florida’s new water quality standards. Without these provisions, pollutant loads entering state waters from agricultural operations cannot be quantified or accounted for, and the toxins as new state standards, environmental restoration and public health notifications of blue-green algae blooms cannot be enforced. –Learn the economics of carbon fee and dividend policies with Robert Archer, retired US-AID economist on May 4 at 8 p.m.; how to write effective letters to the editor and build relationships with members of local print media on May 11 at 8 p.m.; and how to engage the support of local community leaders for climate action, including how CCL collaborates and organizes these efforts.

Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership is hosting the 2021 SWFL Climate Summit on May 6 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Topics include the State of Climate Change in SWFL, Policy and Legal Framework for Climate Action, Growing Climate Awareness and Actions to Move Resiliency Forward in SWFL. Presenters from FGCU Water School, Environmental Defense Fund, Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, CLEO Institute, and Growing Climate Solutions, along with an audience Q&A. Advance registration required at

Climate Solutions 101, presented by Project Drawdown, is a free, streaming six-part video series with need-to-know science, fascinating insights from global leaders in climate policy, research, investment and the world’s first major educational effort focused solely on solutions. This course combines trusted resources with the expertise of inspiring thought leaders from around the world.